Crypto ISAC launched to bolster web3 security

A groundbreaking effort has been launched in the world of cryptocurrency, as top players in the industry have joined forces to combat security concerns within the decentralized ecosystem. In a bold move, 14 leading crypto entities, including the likes of Circle, Coinbase, and Consensys, have come together to establish a cutting-edge information sharing and analysis center (ISAC). This collaboration, as announced in a recent press release, also includes renowned names such as Fireblocks, the Solana Foundation, and Aleo.
But that’s not all – the ISAC’s founding members also include Evertas, Hedera, Kraken, Offchain Labs, Red Balloon Security, Ribbit Capital, and Trail of Bits, making it a powerhouse of expertise and innovation.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, the demand for secure and trustworthy forms of currency has never been more pressing. Justine Bone, executive director of Crypto ISAC, knows that for mass adoption of digital assets to occur, public trust in blockchain security is crucial. That’s why she’s leading a collaborative effort to fortify users against the ever-growing threat of defi thieves.
The ISAC’s mission is clear: to create a safe and secure environment for digital asset transactions. This will be achieved through five key objectives: fostering trust, sharing unbiased information, ensuring the highest quality of information dissemination, promoting collaboration, and building resilience against attackers. With these measures in place, the future of digital assets is brighter than ever before.

Another crypto ISAC

The year 2021 has seen the rise of two powerful initiatives aimed at tackling on-chain security disasters. Spearheaded by institutional support, the ISAC (Information Sharing and Analysis Center) has emerged as a formidable force. But that’s not all – in a bold move, a group of ethical hackers unveiled the SEAL-ISAC in April, with a sole mission to fortify information sharing when it comes to defi hacks and breaches.

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Step into the world of cybersecurity and meet SEAL 911, the masterminds behind the innovative SEAL-ISAC. These tech-savvy heroes were forged in the fiery aftermath of a whopping $73 million hack on Curve Finance. Led by Paradigm researcher Samczsun and a team of seasoned security experts, they developed a cutting-edge Telegram bot to assist victims during and after cyber attacks.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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