CryptoPunks Community Shuns ‘Woke’ Art, Yuga Labs Scraps New NFT Release

The Punk In Residence Program

Introducing the groundbreaking Punk in Residence program, a revolutionary initiative designed to ignite a frenzy of on-chain collaborations and spur daring experimentation within the NFT realm. The visionary team at Yuga Labs handpicked the talented artist Nina Chanel Abney to lead the charge, culminating in the spectacular debut of her electrifying “Super Punk World” collection.

The grand unveiling of these cutting-edge NFTs took place at the prestigious Jack Shainman Gallery’s The School in New York, with a thrilling opening event that left attendees buzzing with excitement.

Abney’s Artistic Vision

Nina Channels Abney’s collection integrates her distinctive style, reinterpreting iconic cryptopunk characteristics through her unique lens.

Commenting on the collaboration, Abney stated,

“CryptoPunks are an iconic, pioneering project that has played a crucial role in the creation of the digital collectible space. By collaborating with them, I saw an opportunity to be at the center of a unique intersection of art, technology, and culture.”

The collection comprises 500 hand-picked avatars, drawing inspiration from both CryptoPunks and Abney’s earlier creations.

Addressing Implicit Biases Through NFT

Step into the vibrant world of Abney’s avatars, where bold backgrounds and unique hybrid creatures come to life. These creations are not just eye-catching, but also thought-provoking, as they strive to disrupt societal norms and challenge implicit biases.

Through their diverse forms and colors, they shed light on the unfair discrepancies in the secondary market values of digital avatars, based on something as arbitrary as gender and skin tone.

CryptoPunks general manager and brand lead Nathalie Stone explained the intention behind the collection, saying,

“We’re trying to bring CryptoPunks to the masses here, in a way, but also have them understand why digital ownership matters.”

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Community Reaction And Criticism

The highly anticipated release of the newest CryptoPunks collection was met with mixed reactions from the community. While some praised the innovation and forward-thinking approach of the artwork, others were not impressed.

Harsh critics deemed the pieces to be overly “woke” and out of place within the established CryptoPunks brand. And as if that wasn’t enough, there was also a sense of betrayal among collectors who felt that the original collection was being watered down by this new addition, causing frustration and disappointment among those who saw it as a sacred “blue chip” in the world of Ethereum NFTs.

Yuga Labs’ Response

After facing a tidal wave of criticism, Yuga Labs made the bold decision to put a pause on their artist residency program. To fiercely protect the pure essence of the iconic CryptoPunks collection.

Early Monday evening, Yuga Labs CEO Greg “Garga” Solano tweeted,

“Yuga will no longer touch Punks. They will just be decentralized and preserved on the blockchain. The only thing we intend to do is support a few museums and institutions in their quest to acquire a Punk and help educate their audience about them.”

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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